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Minutes 03/15/2006
March 15, 2006

Members Present:        Stephen Rich, Chairperson, Frank DeOrio, Timothy C. Lattimore, James Dacey, William Graney and Mike Luksa

Staff Present:  Thomas Leone and Michael Long

Members Absent: Vijay Mital (in India), Robert M. Buschman, Robert Bergan (called and had another meeting and Court)

Meeting of the Public Power Agency of March 15, 2006 called to order by Stephen Rich at 7:30 a.m. Minutes of the meeting of February 7, 2006 were corrected and then motion to approve by James Dacey and seconded by Mike Luksa.  All in favor.

No old business so committee moved to inter-municipal relationship.  Frank DeOrio stated that the City/County group met on February 22, 2006 at City Hall and stated that there is a meeting tonight at 4:30 p.m. in Council Chambers.  Members of the County are Frank Howe from County Planning, Bruce Natale, County Engineer, John Montone and Dan Schuster.  At the meeting the County insisted on looking at all that responded to the RFQ and we will see what they come up with at today’s meeting.  Frank handed out a copy of a letter that was sent out to the consultants that responded asking them if they wanted to participate in a countywide project.  Consultants that responded:  Pitman Associates, J.W.  Wilson & Associates, Inc., CDG Group, Power-Innovations International, Novi Energy.  Frank talked with Mr. Cantanese of Clough-Harbour & Associates and he indicated that he was checking with their attorneys as to whether they could continue to participate and hopes to have something by the end of today.  After the meeting tonight we will bring that information back to this group.  At the first meeting the County had a couple concerns and one was they are concerned the way the grant was written because the grant allows for some sort of reimbursement to City staff for their efforts and they also expressed some concern about the selection process that we had established.  They did accept our rating sheet that we established and they were going to look at the same group of consultants.  They did not want to limit themselves to the three that we decided on.  We are hoping they will come up with the same three or two now that R. W. Beck Inc. is out of the running.  Wanted to make sure we didn’t get down to one consultant and Frank stated if we did we could go back to the drawing board.  

Steve Rich stated that if we were looking at the County taking the lead in this process, there wouldn’t be any reason that we still wouldn’t work with them as far as providing some assistance to the process.  Frank stated they want us to be part of the selection process and part of the final break down of the scope of services and ultimately the negotiations for a fee.  Mike Long stated that the question was in the grant writing because some of the reimbursements he thought and further stated that it was set up that way so there was some City and County time, based on the hourly rates, we bill a little into each, and that is part of the way to get some salaries reimbursed.  

Steve Rich asked where we were in the grant process and Mike Long stated the awards would be announced hopefully by the end of the month.  Mike mentioned that there are a couple other small projects that he heard talked about in this year’s budget, he thought there was 2 ½ million dollars for the program, but for next year the government would like $20 million in this program, trying to get people to work cooperatively, different municipalities and he thinks it is going to be the way the State Government is going to try to focus.  

Next item of business the digester.  Frank and Mike spoke to Kamayr Zadeh from Ecots Technology, who is did a preliminary study, which was passed out to the members.  He has done a lot of literature research, investigation into the availability of manure, food waste, grease and other types of waste that can be broken down  in a digester and he believes that is where he is right now.  Mike stated that it is a preliminary look at some of the businesses that might applicable to this and Mike also gave a copy of this study to Cindy Aikman who works with the businesses and asked her to take a look at it and there are a few other organizations that don’t show up here that might be applicable.  Steve Rich stated that basically without looking at it all he has done is surveyed what is available for material to feed a digester and Frank stated that is correct.  Looks like he is looking at two different types of digesters.  The County digester is strictly manure and Bill Graney stated some food waste and Frank stated it looked like this type of digester is going to be everything but the manure, so food waste, grease, potatoes, he is going to put a grinder in.  There have been some rendering companies that Frank was aware of that shut down because of the environmental issues and there could be a lot of grease not only in the Auburn area but just outside in Onondaga County, Ontario County.   Steve Rich asked if there is “x” volume of material that is potentially available or hasn’t he gotten that deep yet?  Frank stated that he hasn’t started with the size of the digester; he is looking for the feed first and then probably find out what he can get and then size it.  If he is progressing that way, it makes perfect sense in what he is doing.  Bill Graney stated on the manure digester he went out and got contracts with some farmers for volume. Mike Luska asked if we had anyone local doing that.  Frank stated that if you look through here he has some sample letters on page 14 and once he moves a little bit further and identifies some of the sources, we would have to send out some letters and on page 21 there is another draft letter.  We would have to send out some letters to see who is interested in participating in this project.  Mike Long stated that they were hopeful that the County Soil & Water would help with the manure aspects.  Steve Rich stated that we engaged Kamayr’s services in October 2005 and he has produced nothing in 5 months, what is his response to that and what is his response to completing this?  Mike Long stated that it has been difficult to chase him down, we have been trying to get those kind of questions answered.  Primarily he has been focused a lot on the County facility and trying to push that forward because there has been a lot of grant money that has come through for it.  Steve Rich asked what we have paid for services to date and Mike Long stated we haven’t paid anything yet.  Frank stated that he hasn’t delivered anything yet.  Tom Leone asked what the full cost was and Mike Long said it is $18,750 NYSERDA grant and the City $18,750.  Tom Leone asked if we have heard anything from NYSERDA and Mike Long stated when he gets to a point of sending a bill he will send half a bill to us and half a bill to them.  Steve Rich asked after all this information is gathered, will it be a face to face meeting or phone calls and where he is going is to try – obviously the County they are under construction and ready to commence.  If we have engaged his services we don’t want to be 18 months from the date of engagement or 2 years from the date of engagement getting a study back saying it does or doesn’t make sense.  Bill Graney thought he was still waiting to hear from someone from the agency.  Frank suggested sending him a letter giving us a schedule when he plans on completing the study.  Mike Long stated that he did have a preliminary schedule and stated that he invited Kamayr to come today but he didn’t get him.  Mike also stated that he hasn’t been pushing it because we have many other projects going but felt we should get a more definitive time.  Steve Rich felt it should be a pro-active position, let’s figure out if it is going to make sense or not make sense.  It is keeping us out of the limelight of inactivity. Six months ago we agreed we will do the feasibility study and here we are and we have a pile of paper that amounts to nothing.  It is a matter of figuring out if it does or does not make sense.   Tim Lattimore asked Tom Leone how long it took before the contract was signed and Tom stated three or four months, it was a matter of tweaking the agreement.   

James Dacey stated that the document that was passed out, we need to clarify if it is a declassified document.  Frank was not sure if the classification is just for the City of Auburn.  Mike Long stated that was part of the contract we were concerned about the information and we reinforced the fact this is a public body, Freedom of Information Act.  Mike asked if the report that was submitted to the County has that been made public?  Bill Graney was not sure about that.  Mike Long said he would ask Kamayr how he wants to handle it.  Frank thought the concern may be that Kamayr has contacted some farmers and food waste haulers who may have either committed or not and that would be contained in the study.  Frank suggested he could collect the copies and then distribute by electronic to the members and Tom said it was fine.  

Frank had some information under new business regarding a meeting he had with Great Lakes Exploration that did the geology on the search for natural gas under portions of Cayuga County and the City of Auburn.  There are two sections in the City of Auburn that they are interested in, significant gas deposits, and they should be getting back to Frank next week with more details and then to City Council for contractual arrangements and we will be part of those discussions.  Tim Lattimore asked if there was a grant and Mike Long stated that one has been submitted.  

Mike Long stated that next week a report should be coming back on the hydro study that NYPA has been working on.  They have a preliminary report and it looks like they are going to be recommending some minor improvements to the Mill Street Hydro to get that running again and it came back at some very reasonable costs and they also came up with some capitol costs for a new hydro site at the State Dam which is adjacent to our Water Filtration Plant.  They have come up with different scenarios for each of these outlining the capitol costs and then we will be able to go back and try to find some money to pay for it.  We also anticipate having the plans and specs for the 90% submission for the energy conservation projects and should have the final details the end of this week.  Mike stated that Senator Nozzolio announced a $100,000 grant for the geothermal system for the Police & Fire Stations as part of the Petroleum Overcharge Restitution – the POKER fund they call it.  

Tim Lattimore stated that Mayor Driscoll is getting a task force together to study the energy and if anyone wants to go to the meeting, it is a regional meeting, good way to get a regional approach to this. He will have Marie email the committee with the information   

Mike Long stated there is another conference set up over in Cazenovia, which he thought was April 21.  It is a free daylong seminar, doing tours as well.  Will send out the emails on how to register.  Good opportunity to network with other organizations doing similar things.  

Mike Luksa asked about the low flow low head hydro and Mike Long stated that the material went to the NYPA group and they are trying to build back into their study the evaluation for the hydro.  After the report comes back we can present it to NYSERDA and hopefully gain some assistance.  James Dacey asked about a timeline and Mike Long stated as soon as we get the report we will get it out and probably this spring NYSERDA will have the next program opportunity notice where we actually do the application process.  Typically it is July, August when the applications are submitted and then in the fall you hear, so probably a next year cycle project.

The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 12, 2006 at 7:30 a.m.  Motion to adjourn by James Dacey and seconded by Mike Luksa.  Meeting adjourned at 8:05 a.m.